Statements Overview

A quick Overview of Statements in EZClaim

YouTube video:  EZClaim Statements

Statements are run by clicking the Patient Statements button on the home screen or Statement on the Home Ribbon bar.

When the Statement window opens, the grid will show a list of patients that have a balance greater than $0.01. 

If a patient name is expected but unavailable on this list, you may need to adjust your filter criteria as follows. 

  • In situations where the patient has a credit instead of a balance, or where a patient payment has been entered but not yet disbursed, you may need to enter a fairly large dollar amount in Min. Pat. Bal. preceded by a minus sign (-)
    • The negative balance will be displayed in parentheses
    • Don't forget to click the Refresh button after making your changes 

If you wish to generate a patient statement before the Primary or Secondary Ins has been billed, you can add the Pat. Amt. Due field (available in the Column Chooser if not already present) to the service line and populate it with the expected copay amount.