Updating the TriZetto SFTP password for sending claims

If you have changed the SFTP password with your clearinghouse you will need to update EZClaim Billing to send claims and receive EDI reports.

1. From the Home Screen, click on Libraries in the Ribbon Bar. 

2. Select EDI Connection Library.

Libraries - EDI Connection

3. Select your existing TriZetto connection and enter your new SFTP password into the User Password field.

SFTP Password

4. Test the connection by clicking Test Connection.  Upon successful test connection, Save the changes.


Important Note!  If you are using Action Edits or Integrated Eligibility you will need to complete the steps for updating the password in these areas as well.  Step by step instructions are available for your convenience!

How do I update the SFTP password for Action Edits?

How do I update the SFTP password for Integrated Eligibility?