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- EDI Reports
Adding EDI Reports
EDI reports can be downloaded or added manually. Find step by step instructions below for both methods.
The most common method of adding EDI reports is downloading.
TIP: To download reports directly from your clearinghouse you will need to have an SFTP connection and have an entry setup in the EDI Connection Library. If you don't have the EDI Connection set up you will need to manually add reports.
Downloading Reports:
1. From the Home Screen, click on the View EDI Reports button.
2. On the EDI Reports tab, confirm or select an entry from the 'Connection' drop-down box.
3. Click the Get Reports button to download available reports.
4. A dialogue box will open and confirm once the available reports have been successfully downloaded.
Manually Adding Reports:
TIP: Before starting this process make sure you have downloaded the reports to your computer and you know where the files are located.
1. From the Home Screen, click on the View EDI Reports button.
2. On the EDI Reports tab, click the Add Reports button.
3. When the dialogue box opens, navigate to and select the files that you want to import and click Open.
4. You will get the following message.
- Selecting Yes will delete the file from your computer.
- Selecting No will create a copy in EZClaim and leave the file on your computer.
5. After making your selection your imported file will appear in the EDI Report window.