How to use the Notes Column in the EDI Reports Window
You have the option to attach notes to a report. Simply click in the Notes cell and type your note. To save any changes, just use the Save Notes button. Please note that the field can hold up to 255 characters.
When an ANSI 835 report is uploaded to the grid, EZClaim will automatically scan the contents and insert the payment information into the note section (assuming the note is currently empty).
If you want to check the details of a TriZetto CSR (Claim Status Report) report, simply double-click on it. EZClaim will automatically add a note indicating the number of claims and rejections included in the file. To view the data in a readable format, open the corresponding DAT report.
When you process an ANSI 999 report by double-clicking, EZClaim will inform you if the batch has been accepted or rejected by adding a note.