Company Files

Everything you need to know about Company files including creating a new Company file and accessing existing Company files


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Company Files

Create New Company

Open Existing Company

Company Files

If you are a billing service or have multiple clients to bill and need to maintain separate data, you have the option to create additional Company files. To access the menu, simply click on the Application icon located in the upper left corner of EZClaim.

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Create New Company

To create a new separate company file, simply use the New Company menu item. If you're uncertain about which server to select, please reach out to your network administrator for assistance.

When assigning a company name, you can choose any desired name. However, please note that spaces and special characters are not allowed. You may use underscores instead.

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Open Existing Company

  • To open an existing Company file, Click the EZClaim logo in the upper left-hand corner. Select Open Company...

  • Select the company file from the list and click OK

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